Thursday, January 18, 2007

We have been enjoying each others company for over three and a half years now - the four inseperables: sid, soup, tatha and myself sandy, but never has an evening been such yielding as the Jan 11 one.
Well, we were to meet to celebrate Soup's birthday, but the evening translated into something more serious, something thoroughly crude (to be taken in a positive sense). It led to the complete unfolding of ourselves.
The evening started with a cup of coffee and ended with a cup of coffee too, but was interfused with gulping of some gastronomic delights at KFC and sudden bursts of mad photography sessions.
That evening we finally stationed ourselves at the roof top food court 'Hang Out', where we occupied a table with a view. Fuming coffee arrived soon and thereon started the journey that made us peel each other to the core. It was a process of upholding the postives and negatives of each of us. It was a thoroughly enjoyed discussion and certainly had considerable weight.
But an obvious question surely pops up, why such a discussion?
An obvious answer follows it. Because each of us as individuals have a dream of becoming a conjunctive best.
So cheers to our time unbounded friendship.


sauparna said...

couldn't agree less, one day that will keep coming a mirror.

sauparna said...

if only we could get the pics out of the phones. The one taken from the terrace, of the people and lights below, would be perfect.

Anonymous said...

I love what you did with words - thoroughly. I couldn't agree more with soup about pulling the pics outta your phones! I really find it difficult to realize three of you, having owned cell phones for such a long time, - are yet to buy the cords! Soup has the albiby of being quite happy with his pathetic cell phone that is camera-crippled... but you guys are just procrastination personified! When will you learn something from such thorough discussions?

Aaah! the warmth of hurling "over-done" allegations at people!

sauparna said...

One emotional post you've turned it into.

Sid said...

'That Evening' has eventually turned into an asset, and your post has made it more precious; I know you must have been feeling very happy to share your happiness with all those who will visit your blog. because somebody has said...
"Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided..."